About ZoneJump

ZoneJump is a parcel shipping service focused on fast, high quality residential small parcel delivery in the US. We use our expertise and proprietary processes and software to speed up delivery, lower shipping costs, reduce exceptions, and lower the cost of handling exceptions.

We have developed and integrated a network of reliable and efficient parcel carriers that ship to a large part of the US. ZoneJump services 11,000+ zip codes covering 72% of the US population. We also design and implement customized air and ground zone skipping programs. ZoneJump works with some of the best loved brands in the country.

ZoneJump was founded in 2018 by Andrew Benoit, one of the country’s leading parcel shipping experts, to develop solutions to problems that all companies selling physical products online experience. Andrew spent 15 years directing operations for companies of varying sizes—from startups with a few people to Fortune 500 organizations—managing, advising and improving global operations for DTC e-commerce, consumer packaged goods, and food companies. We are a team of analysts, operators, and software engineers that live and breathe parcel shipping. We have previously worked in various roles for retailers, 3PLs, and carriers.

Shipping is a significant expense for companies that sell online and shipping is an important part of the customer experience with a measurable impact on customer lifetime value. Very few companies — even those that are best-in-class—are exceptional at optimizing shipping for total cost including all factors. Many best-in-class retailers are often missing significant opportunities to improve shipping, and the best-in-class parcel auditors often miss these same opportunities. We help you identify and capture the missing opportunities.

We hang our hat on exceptional service. To us, "exceptional service" means understanding your business, providing knowledgeable service, being easy to reach and to work with, proactively identifying service failures and identifying root causes to prevent future problems, and being accountable for results

Find out how ZoneJump can help you find success with your parcel shipping program, starting here.